
Prepare the Soil of Hearts before Jesus Knocks

“With a candle in my one hand I'm knocking on the doors of your heart. If the doors of your heart open, I will enter in and we'll be friends forever and I will be able to deliver the message.”

A very beautiful incident happened when I was in London. I was in a large Satsangh gathering with lots of friends and towards the end of the Satsangh, a friend there stood up and asked me:

Sir, what exactly are you doing?

What is your work on earth?

I’ve been coming to your Satsanghs and they're very touching.

Something always opens up in me.

But in your language, I want to listen to what is your work on earth.

What are you really doing?

You travel so much, sometimes in very uncomfortable situations, but you make sure that you go there.

What are you really trying to do?

And I just made a statement, and I also quoted that statement.

I said,

“With a candle in my one hand I'm knocking on the doors of your heart. If the doors of your heart open, I will enter in and we'll be friends forever and I will be able to deliver the message.”

So, I'm walking around knocking on every heart's door. That's the work, that's ‘hukum’, that's the command of the lord to me in this birth and that's what I'm doing. 

So the next day this friend sent me a significant photograph. Before that let me tell you that I’ve never read anything about Christianity or the Bible.

So that photograph which my friend shared with me was from her old dying mother.

The photograph was of Jesus with a torch or lantern in one hand walking door to door and knocking each one of them and then I read the statement sent by another friend to me, where Jesus is saying that- “I am knocking on the doors of your heart if you open the door I will enter and we will have food together we will eat together like friends.”

A Very similar statement that I made in the gathering and Jesus also said the same words.

This represents that religion may differ, but the message is the same.

We have created divisions in this world. Some of my friends who do not belong to or follow Christianity as a religion got very upset, because I decided to speak on Jesus. And they sent me messages saying that we are shocked and ashamed that you're going to speak on Jesus because we thought you will only speak on Hinduism and promote the same.

This is the state of humanity. Where we think we are religious and we follow a particular religion, and we then do not want to learn from the life of another Spiritual Master.

We make compartments that, if I’m the follower of a particular religion then I cannot talk about any other spiritual being. We have created these religious boundaries, due to which we are missing the real essence that all the enlightened beings wanted to deliver on this planet.

What a world have we created?

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"Purity of the heart can not only move mountains, it also becomes the seat of the divine."



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