An enabling practice for enhanced living
Every human being is carrying a deeper inner knowing, a guiding map, a sort of GPS which carries a profound clarity about their life. There exists an ocean of evolutionary possibilities within each one of us.
In the depth of our inner ocean of evolutionary possibilities
lies the Ananda (bliss) that we all are seeking in our lives.
But we just don’t know how to activate it and access it. All through our life we keep accumulating layers of pollution in the form of mental conditioning, physical habits and behavioral patterns that take us away from our inner being, from where the unconditioned and infinite Ananda emerges.
There seems to be something missing in the way we are living our lives. Maybe we are chasing the wrong things or maybe our pursuit is in the wrong direction.
Namo Abhyasa
a Self-Purification Yogic Practice to achieve Ananda
Physical body – Annamaya kosa
Energy body – Pranamaya kosa
Mental body – Manomaya kosa
The key elements of the Namo Abhyasa Process:
Ancient Yogic Techniques
Namo Abhyasa is designed in such a way that it can be practiced by everyone on a daily basis.
Benefits of Namo Abhyasa (if practiced daily)
Quietened mind and inner peace
Clarity of mind and an understanding of your potential & purpose
Joyful harmony in your relationships
Heightened awareness and sharper focus
Discipline in your daily routine
Note for Namo Abhyasa Practicioners
It is a beginner level practice. Those who have been initiated into some other meditation can also practice Namo Abhyasa. This technique will not interfere with any of your other spiritual routines.
Namo Abhyasa is taught by trained practitioners, who have been initiated under the guidance of Sri Anish. Currently Namo Abhyasa practice is delivered in institutions, colleges or in Saadho Retreats. If you would like to know more or get initiated into Namo Abhyasa, please connect with us on
"Purity of the heart can not only move mountains, it also becomes the seat of the divine."
Contact us
Saadho Sangha Foundation
Dharamshala, Himachal Pradesh
Swayambhu shiva dhyan mandir, SAADHO ASHRAM, DHARAMSHALA
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