Leadership Talks

"Our collective awakening is the only way forward"

Essence of these Talks

These are high powered CXO level events, where Sri Anish holds an insightful

conversation with top industry leaders on various topics ranging from integrating

science & spirituality, compassionate leadership, role of emotional resilience for CEOs and other such life transforming & institutional culture building themes.

Series of Talks on Awakening Leadership


Transformational Leadership - When 'Action' becomes 'Karma-Yoga'

A session on ‘Transformational Leadership - When ‘Action’ becomes ‘Karma Yoga’ started with the understanding of ‘What is real Karma Yoga’? Profound insights, new perspectives & practical pointers on some of the key questions around Karma Yoga was shared, like:

1. Is ‘Karma Yoga’ really possible in our current business context (role & work culture)?

2. Can the practice of Karma Yoga, be one of the greatest lessons to increase our performance, impact & create an inspired culture?

3. Can Karma Yoga, enhance our personal well-being?

4. Are there any examples of individuals or institutions that are embedded in ‘Karma Yoga’?

5. How to transform our actions into Karma Yoga – practical pointers?


Critical Capabilities for the New Yuga

10 critical capabilities derived and inspired by India's ancient wisdom which must become the foundation of our learning:

1. Learning to live together (वसुधैवकुटुम्बकम्) - lovingly supporting each other towards the collective vision.

2. Co-existence (सह-अस्तित्व) - accepting each other’s uniqueness.

3. Sense of belonging (अपनापन) - taking ownership.

4. Purposefulness & happiness (प्रयोजनव्आनंदपूर्णता) - seeing and working towards the larger picture with joyfulness

5. Creativity (सर्जनात्मकता) –

capacity to think fresh, out of the box

6. Equanimity (समभाव) - capacity to remain centered, in equilibrium

7. Kindness & humbleness (करुणाव्विनयशीलता) - principle of reciprocity, creating a nurturing culture

8. Self-restrain (आत्मसंयम) - developing a strong will-power

9. Patience (धैर्य ) - react vs response

10. One pointed attention (ऐकाग्रता) - sharpness of focus:

  • Sama – control of thoughts in mind
  • Dama – restraining senses


From Survival of Fittest to Survival of the KINDEST

‘Survival of the Fittest’ - Have we taken this phrase too literally and implemented it in every sphere of our life? Business is not a war zone, but somehow our perception, narrative and language is such that we are treating our ‘Karma shetra’ (professional world) as ‘Yudhashetra’ (battle field).

In this round-table discussion, we explored, that perhaps, it is ‘Survival of the kindest & not the fittest’ which is the law of nature and should be at the core of all our business undertakings. Some of the points we discussed:

1. What is the core agenda of a business

2. Why have we created businesses which feels more like a battle field including our language i.e. let’s kill the competition, price war etc.

3. What is the impact of this ‘philosophy – survival of the fittest’ on the health and mental well-being of the employees and overall health of the planet

4. What is the role of leadership in creating a more sustainable perspective – Survival of the kindest

5. Practical examples of organization that are guided by this principal of – Survival of the kindest


Emotional Resilience - Towards a New Yuga of Awakened Leadership

Key takeaways:

1. Resilience is like a muscle, the more we use it the more it gets strengthened. So, the key is to practice being emotionally strong and stable during regular life situations.

2. 7-step process to convert negative emotions to positive emotions.

3. Received practical tips and best practices on developing Emotional Resilience as part of organizational culture and personal evolution.

4. Inspiring & enlightening stories and experiences from the personal and professional lives of our honourable panellists.


Compassionate Leadership

Elevate Self, Team & Organization

One of the most important lesson which this recent pandemic has taught us; is the need for Compassionate Leadership to steer through these challenging and tough times. Compassion seems like a new concept in the business context but in life's context it is not new. Compassion is our natural gift, we can call it compassionate instinct, which must be cultivated and harnessed to elevate our own selves, our teams and our organisations.


Compassionate Leadership

Elevate Self, Team & Organization

One of the most important lesson which this recent pandemic has taught us; is the need for Compassionate Leadership to steer through these challenging and tough times. Compassion seems like a new concept in the business context but in life's context it is not new. Compassion is our natural gift, we can call it compassionate instinct, which must be cultivated and harnessed to elevate our own selves, our teams and our organisations.


Integrating Science & Spirituality

When the consciousness meets the real world challenges of business leaders, a beautiful synthesis happens. This program was one such synthesis of science & spirituality; heartfully weaved by Sri Anish with the immensely valuable inputs by his co-speakers Mr. Padmakar K. & Dr. Asha Bhandekar. The Event was ably supported by Good People Relations.

Key takeaways:

1. We are going through a tremendous transition and we need to update our consciousness, it is beyond the pandemic.

2. Leaders have a very important role to build a heart centric resilience and to develop the capacity to have both-macro and micro view of the situations and responses.

3. Science & Spirituality are not two divergent aspects, they are parts of the same wholeness - Spirituality is science of the inner, and science is the manifestation of Spirituality outside.

4. Heart is the central space of connecting, leading, compassion & inclusiveness - it is the soil of heart on which the real resilience takes root and mind then supports this new way of leading.

5. We build a genuine and long lasting resilience when the roots of our mind are firmly established in the soil of our heart.

Testimonies from Participating Leaders

"Fantastic explanation, priceless wisdom and great insights Anish ji. Thanks for the insightful points on building Resilience"

Raghunandan Venugopal, Top 50 HR Influence

CEO - Ess Vee Associates

Testimonies from participating Leaders

"Very powerful program, excellent format with 3 very insightful speakers, thank you"

Pritha Dutt

Board Member & Director - Empower Pragati

Testimonies from participating Leaders

"It was indeed enriching, thanks for organizing"

Vivek Kumar

CEO - Vision India

Testimonies from participating Leaders

"Anish ji, you have brilliantly explained the concept of Emotional resilience with great Incidents of the past in a simple and lucid


P Dwarakanath

Former Chairman - GSK Consumer Healthcare

"Every choice that we make in life is like preparation of the soil, soil of the heart to embrace all unknowns of life."

Transformative Leadership Talks

Leading Change through Purpose

Specially crafted talks/conversations for educational institutions, corporate businesses, social institutions & top leadership events.

Intent of these talks is to bring spiritual awakening, life- transforming discussions around: inspiration, collaboration, inclusiveness, peace, harmony, happiness, oneness and practical tools to help us all transition towards more evolved beings.


"Purity of the heart can not only move mountains, it also becomes the seat of the divine."



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Saadho Sangha Foundation

Dharamshala, Himachal Pradesh

+91- 79821 52013


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