Clarity in mind -- Acceptance in Heart -- Purpose of 'the Being'

1-Day Retreat

For: Top/Senior Management

Leaders from Industry & Academia

9 April, 2022 Saturday

Clarity in mind -- Acceptance in Heart -- Purpose of 'the Being'

"The solution is much closer than we can ever imagine."

Peace is a profoundly joyful, stable and clear state of being. We all experience this, but momentarily. Every human being is constanly striving to attain this peace, to dwell in this coherence of mind & heart, and truly have a purposeful existence emerging from this inner peace.

All great human endeavors, solutions & intuitions comes from this peace, and all great relationships are based on this peace. This peace is the secret of success, impact & human well-being. Hence, every leader must learn to master this peace.

Peace comes when there is clarity in the mind

Peace comes when there is acceptance & detachment in the heart

Peace comes when there is a sense of purpose in 'the being'

MASTER PEACE is one such life transforming program that establishes & demonstrates the direct connection of Happiness with the synchronicity of HEAD, HEART & HANDS.

Program outcome, you will learn:

How to achieve clarity in the 'mind'

How to attain sharpness of attention

How to move from reaction to reflection

How to move from transaction to transformation

How to build acceptance in the 'heart'

Effects of non-acceptance/emotional imbalance on body/mind

How to build acceptance

How to realize purpose of the 'being'

Why we need a purpose

How to set our purpose

Program outcome, you will learn:

How to achieve clarity in the 'mind'

How to attain sharpness of attention

How to move from reaction to reflection

How to move from transaction to transformation

How to build acceptance in the 'heart'

Effects of non-acceptance/emotional imbalance on body/mind

How to build acceptance

How to realize purpose of the 'being'

Why we need a purpose

How to set our purpose

Program for: Top/Senior Leaders from Corporate, Industry, Academia, Social Sector, Bureaucracy & Politics


Sri Anish is an ex-corporate CEO & a successful entrepreneur. After founding 'People Strong', in 2006, he moved to the Himalayas & spent over a decade for his deeper spiritual quest. Now, he is a visionary, an author, keynote speaker, leadership mentor, spiritual coach, founder of a spiritual community 'Saadho' & a high level think tank 'Yugantar'. He passionately works with top leadership to raise the collective human consciousness.

Work which emerges from the deepest core of your heart, for the love & well-being of all, is the highest offering to the divine


"Purity of the heart can not only move mountains, it also becomes the seat of the divine."



Contact us


Saadho Sangha Foundation

Dharamshala, Himachal Pradesh

+91- 79821 52013

SAADHO ASHRAM & Swayambhu shiva dhyan mandir, DHARAMSHALA